Friday, March 4, 2011

I've contemplated what my first blog should be about. Start off with some insightful words or a philosophical look at human nature? Nah i think i will look into that later but my first blog should be about something i am really interested in. God, good deeds, my hobbies nope nope and nope. Its about my new obsession, Pauly D from Jersey Shore. Yes its strange to be enamored with a reality star but i cant control what i feel. I only watch that stupid show to see what kinds of things he would say. He is a mixture of perfection, he is really funny and like me has tourrettes (not for real i hope) . Everytime he says something I swear i am rolling on the floor laughing. He cracks me up! If i was texting him i would actually mean it when i saw lol, lmao, rofl,.. because he is that funny! plus he seems really laid back and chill. I know that reality tv isnt really "real" but from what i see he seems to be the kind of guy i would want to hang around. That's the beauty of tv because if he ends up being  a deranged, tormented psycho he is far away from me and if he is as awesome as i think i can just admire him from afar. Its a win-win situation (like the word not that other guy from Jersey Shore).

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