Friday, March 4, 2011

soy quién yo soy

Hello blogging world! how are you?...Well we are going to get acquainted. I am Nujuma, i like to express  myself and im a horrible speller. You will have to be patient with me on that. If it sounds like a word in your head then thats what i really meant to say. Im aspiring to be a lawyer and maybe blogging will hone my writing skills although in the future i have to write long statements...sounds fascinating right? I also have a very strange obesession with hey arnold! honestly that show was pretty awesome. Every time i am at walmart and i pass by the freezer of ice i am reminded of that episode where Arnold had to get ice because it was incredibly hot but the ice melted on his way back. damn! by the way who buys ice from a store anymore thats just weird. Poor Arnold i hope one day he can buy ice and return back it time without it melting. I love spicy food!!! its the best invention, thank you silk road for uniting me with hot stuff. I cringe everytime i see someone smother food with ranch, condiments, or some bland item. Why not add a little hot sauce, rooster sauce, ground red peppers...hmm. If i could eat desserts with spices i would. it would probably be the worst tasting dessert but i'd do it to prove my love for spices. Like in movies where the guy does something humiliating to prove his love for the girl. Well from what i have already said you can see that im a pretty strange chick but it don't matter i just embrace it and theres alot more weirdness to come!

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