Sunday, March 6, 2011


Growing up no one is  immune to the movies and images of a dainty princess being scoped up by her prince charming. I always wondered if the part of "prince charming " was played by the same animated guy and if that was his first and last name or maybe it was a nickname...I dont have all the answers. Aside from the tangent i think that this idea never leaves our mind. Although we don't imagine some strange man in tights with a sword as our perfect match we all want to believe that theres only one person out there for us ie our soulmate!


 Lets see theres over 6 billion people on this earth and if you narrowed it down to age group, sexual preference, common beliefs... you would end up with a good amount of people that would make a good match for you. but what separates the good mates from the soulmate? It is the person you fall in love with? what if you fall for more than one? Is one of them a betterer soulmate than the other? Its alot of questions that can't be answered or maybe they don't have an answer. Just like alot of our childhood views we come to see that the world is not so black and white. That most things are in the gray and few are absolute. So maybe you or I will meet our soulmate but if it doesn't work out maybe we will meet another one.

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