Monday, July 4, 2011

Can't help but wait

Its been called over rated, amazing, sinful, disgusting, and talked about 24/7 by every adolescent male. Yes u know what I am talking about, you know making love, doing the nasty, baby making or sex as most of us know it as. So is sex really that incredible and important or is it the hungover of the century  (im referring to the movie). Can people in their sexual peak hold the compulsion to have sex for at least a week...a couple days..hours? I'm not going to name names but apparently in my experience guys and even some girls can't wait. Im not a believer in waiting before marriage, honestly I think people should do whatever they feel is right for them. If you want to wait then wait if you don't then don't but don't make the other side feel bad because they are not doing what you want them to do.

The waiting im speaking of is not till marriage but waiting until someone is ready to have sex. Is it really that hard for someone to withhold sex while dating? Did we become so hedonistic that time is actually the enemy against sex? Mitch Fatel once joked that a woman told him she had a three month rule before having sex so he replied " okay i will see you in three months". These questions are not in any way trying to shame people for wanting to have sex. I get it sex feels good and young people are in the habit of exploring all good feelings things. But the issue of sex does put another component to the complexity of relationships and dating. Its already hard enough getting to know someone, learning to adapt to their personality, and dealing with feelings added to that is sex. and if the sex is not good all the above can be thrown out the window.

If someone wants to have sex all day everyday no waiting then I say go ahead and be safe out there soldier, but if someone wants to become involved with an individual who has a time frame then wait for them. After all patience is a virtue and all the wait will be worth it!

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