Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prisoner of War

Everyday is a battle, a struggle to survive, and endurance is requred. Is this a war of epic proportions? A war of oppression? Of hate? No its a much internal war...a battle in your own body. I've heard of prisoner of war but imagine being a prisoner in your body. If your body was losing a fight against itself and everyday is a constant pain because you can't function properly.

I've been to so many doctors I can line them up to the Great Wall. What is devasting about being ill is not knowing what or why your body is behaving the way it does. Having a doctor tell you "you're perfectly healthy" but feeling like your body is telling you something is wrong. One possiblility is that you are a Hypochondriac?? Ok then where is my placebo pills...maybe that will help with the pain everyday. A healthy dose of denial or acceptace of your "perfect Health" doesn't do it either.

The saying about appreciating what you don't have is very true. I wish I could be healthy... I mean really healthy no doctor rushing me out of the room and telling me I'm OK. A day where I can wake up and feel like everyone else. Where I don't feel like I been sucker punched by Mike Tyson. Where my body and me can understand each other Finally! That day will be the best day of my life!

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