Monday, July 11, 2011

Why so mad?

One of the many perplexities of life or in my life is understanding how people can be forgiving or willing to let go of anger. I can't imagine how someone like Nelson Mandela who spent over two decades in prison for being an activist can overcome the wrongdoings done to him. Not only did this guy forgive the people who wronged him but he tried to unite everyone and fairly govern many racist and hateful people. I think he is rubix cube of the century.

Maybe he is a super human... u know like x-men except his power is forgiveness and love or something. Or maybe its like adrenaline, many people are not aware of what they are capable of. Maybe we are capable of being something much more than we assume under extraordinary circumstances. Assuming that i was put under the same circumstance as Mandela I think I would have turned into a bitter and anger person. I would be pissed at everyone, no discretion on race, sex.... just a human person that is who i would not like.

It's funny one of the most interesting things about Malcolm X is that in the beginning he seemed to be angry and resentment at whites and blacks who he deemed pacifist but through time, wisdom, and his beliefs he seemed to change his believes he let go of all that anger.

You see i understand Malcolm because he eventually become like that but its hard for me to understand people like Nelson Mandela or Anne Frank. People who experience extraordinary hate, human depravity, malice, and devastation but somehow still see the future with hope, love, and forgiveness. I've heard one of my teachers say that people would not appreciate happiness if it were not for sadness. Maybe these people experienced such negative things in their life that they appreciated and love the beautiful things in life. So this is an ode to the people i don't get but deeply admire and respect.

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