Monday, July 4, 2011

Your a jerk...I know

Men are split into two broad groups, the assholes and the nice guys. Although its a broad generalization women tend to fall for the asshole and dismiss the nice guys. So what the hell is an asshole? Are there good/bad assholes? and can a woman be an asshole? The answer to the first question is difficult, second and third question are presumably yes and most definitely yes! How do I know this...because I am a woman who happens to be an asshole and proud of it too!

In life there is always a positive and negative aspect of human characteristics for example passion is said to be a good thing, but passion can run both ways. In can inspire someone to end world poverty while also making someone else lose their mind chasing after delusion. Pride can also be looked at as a virtue or a burden. Sometimes pride can create a sense of honor while other times it makes us judgmental or narrow minded. So what about assholeism what is the good and bad side of that. A positive asshole is someone who won't change their beliefs because its not popular, someone who does not let things define them, who always speaks their mind and is not afraid. And the negative assholes they have the same qualities as the positive assholes but they just possess one extra thing...they are malice and non remorseful/spitful. 

Like most Shakespearean tales there is always a balancing act that is performed by the protagonist. Positive assholes sometimes exhibit negative asshole qualities but generally speaking they are not malicious or evil but negative assholes will always be self-centered and self-satisfying. As for me i would like to think that im a good asshole(ignore the pun). I'm not going to back down because someone doesn't like what I have to say,  

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