Friday, June 17, 2011

Its a right not a privilege

Aretha Franklin would be very disappointed to know that men are increasingly becoming disrespectful to women. In my recent encounters, I have been (mis)informed that apparently some women deserve respect while others don't. Hmmm... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard!! For the men out there that treat ALL women with respect, I would like to say thank you because you are a REAL men. A real man would not respect certain women while treating others like "bitches" and to those that disrespect us......Grow the hell up! instead of complaining about females why don't you work on YOURSELF maybe the reason you have trust issues or lack respect has to do with YOU and not women. It should not be a question as to whether you should give women respect. There is a basic level of respect that should be given to everyone, granted you can have more respect for one girl than the other but you don't have the right to call the other girl names, talk to her like an animal, or think you can say/do whatever you want. I am a firm believer in Karma...and you know what they say Karma is a bitch! and hopefully it will be served cold to straighten all the disrespectful men out there.

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