Friday, June 3, 2011

womp womp womp!

Pessimist! negative Ned! Debbie downer! Do these names conjure up an image in your mind? In order to answer the question, you must determine where do you lie on the issue. Are you an optimists or a pessimist? If your the first then these kind of people really annoy you. You do not enjoy being around them and you feel like they bring you down. If you are a pessimist your are a fervent believer in "being real" and you dislike optimists and think they are day dreamers or fools.

As classic candidate for pessimists of America i can say that coming to grips with negative thinking is a process. First its confidence, hey i know what bad things lie in this world, i can predict negative outcomes, i am so smart! second its self- fulfilling, see i knew it i mean i thought it would happen and it did. Third it is victimization, i don't have control over these negative outcomes, why me? and finally if you get to the final stage is realization, damn this kind of thinking isn't helping me out! No one who is an optimist ever says, "all these happy thoughts and positive outlooks on life is really causing me damage and stress!"

So the lesson to be learned is that it's better to be an optimist than a pessimist. and changing your thinking is very easy and very hard at the same time. It did not take you a day to become negative and it won't take a day for you to change but in the wise words of Bobby Mcferrin, "Don't worry be happy".

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