Friday, June 3, 2011

How to know If your straight?

Hey you Fella! Do you have a problem admitting your heterosexuality. Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed well don't worry. Just take this test to find out if your really heterosexual and all that stress can be dealt with in therapy. Answer each question yes or no. If you have 8 points or higher CONGRATULATIONS you are a heterosexual. Now you know and you don't have to worry for the rest of your life. Lets begin.

1. Do you find yourself sexually aroused by the opposite sex?
2. Have you or are you planning on having sex in the missionary position?
3. Have you ever stared at a woman's breast/butt or both?
4. Would you describe Lady Gaga as weird?
5.  Do you not find gay men as potential lovers?
6. Do hate disco/techno music?
7. Are your parent's homosexuals?
8. Have you rarely had impulses to touch a guy's junk?
9. Would you rather have sex with a girl than discuss her philosophical outlook on cat food?
10. Would you say you like donuts over Bananas?

Now that you figured out your a straightie, you can come to terms with your heterosexuality. It's ok we all love you if though your a hetero!

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