Friday, June 3, 2011

Addicted to love?

I was watching an episode of the Real World titled Addicted to love and it got me thinking... What does that mean? Aren't all human beings wanting and needing love, so are we all addicts? or maybe recreational users?

Speaking for myself I have always been addicted to love...hmm lets say I was/am in love with love. Maybe that is what us love addicts are, we get our high from the idea of love and sometimes not from the person themselves. Addiction no matter what the substance that is abused is never healthy though. Love addicts beware if you do not get in addiction in check then heartache, failed relationships, and unsatisfaction await!

Love is wonderful, painful, crazy, and amazing all at once but that is some hard drug and needs to be taken in small doses. If we chase after love endlessly we tend to get disappointed. What makes love so incredible is that it happens all on its own without our knowledge... at least initially. So do as we did the first time around, sit back, chill, and if love comes knocking let it go on autopilot and enjoy the ride.

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