Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chill out!!

Have you ever felt like your life was a Seinfeld episode?? Like a neurotic and analytical calculator?? If you answered yes or partially yes then congratulations...You are Neurotic, like me! Yes I will admit it I over analyze EVERYTHING but I can't help it, I blame teachers. If it weren't for teachers making us analyze books and life we wouldn't take this skill to our own mediocre life. Lets see just to show everyone how neurotic I am i will show the mind of an over analyzer. Hmm lets take a word like...sure! Ok this seems simple enough it certainly does not mean No, absolutely no, Hell no.. ok those are knocked down, but now the difficult part Does it mean YES! Or is it MAYBE? Does sure! mean I guess I'm not doing anything special I will participate in whatever you have planned! OR does it mean Sure! I'd love to do that, sounds awesome! See there is so much discrepancy over this Sure word. SO be gentle world because us neurotics have to live our lives examining things YOU say is simple but to us is like a jigsaw puzzle. I once saw this yahoo question where a girl posted, " If a guy says your cute what does it mean?" and everyone answered "wth kind of question is that, Duh it means HE THINKS YOUR CUTE but I understand her... I mean I wouldn't post that kind of question online but I get her....I get her.

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