Friday, June 17, 2011

Its a right not a privilege

Aretha Franklin would be very disappointed to know that men are increasingly becoming disrespectful to women. In my recent encounters, I have been (mis)informed that apparently some women deserve respect while others don't. Hmmm... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard!! For the men out there that treat ALL women with respect, I would like to say thank you because you are a REAL men. A real man would not respect certain women while treating others like "bitches" and to those that disrespect us......Grow the hell up! instead of complaining about females why don't you work on YOURSELF maybe the reason you have trust issues or lack respect has to do with YOU and not women. It should not be a question as to whether you should give women respect. There is a basic level of respect that should be given to everyone, granted you can have more respect for one girl than the other but you don't have the right to call the other girl names, talk to her like an animal, or think you can say/do whatever you want. I am a firm believer in Karma...and you know what they say Karma is a bitch! and hopefully it will be served cold to straighten all the disrespectful men out there.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Keep your hands to yourself!

As an adult looking at little kids interact with their parents is a heart warming site. Recently I have noticed how affectionate most parents are with their children and vice versa. I see countless children snuggling up to their mothers and even being affectionate towards guests in the house. Don't get me wrong I think its great that these children are learning to embrace affection but i find it incomprehensible for me to be that way. I swear I cringe when someone hugs me too long or a little kid snuggles up to me...excuse can you move over, this is my private space.

Even these Tigers are more affectionate than me.

I'm not sure if it is related to my childhood...maybe i didn't receive enough hugs? enough time breastfeeding?
or maybe i'm just not affectionate person. I don't know the details behind it. The thing i hate about not being affectionate is dealing with guys who ARE affectionate and most guys who have shown interest in me have been very touchy feely. Warning to anyone like me these pictures will incite fear and nightmares.

Holding hands, i could write a thesis paper on why i despise these type of human interaction. First of all i don't know where the other person's hands have been, second i don't understand why u need my hands you already have two, third, what does putting my hands and your hands together do, and lastly i don't like feelings someone's hand its very weird and i despise it. Every time someone has held my hand i felt like a hostage crisis was taking place. I'm thinking, hmm how can i get my hand back, how long is this going to last, should i offer something so i can get my hand returned. 

Touching in general also bothers me. Why do people have a need to touch you when they like you. I get maybe coping a feel, a hug then UNHUG but touching and keep touching oh my god stop with the torment. Do you not know how a human being feels? Do you have amnesia? I don't understand this one bit. I have never touched someone continuously but i have had this done to me and i do not like it one bit.

Oh i forgot to mention poking and baby talking that bothers me!! Really are you poking me like I am dough and what is up with the baby talking my little honey drop sugar plum cherry cake, Ugh stop i will vomit. But i will say after all that rant about personal space i have and will allow someone who i really adore to touch/hug me if they want to... I mean we all have our weird fetishes and that just happens to be his. 

Caution if you are not this guy im talking about prepared to be punched in the face if you come to close to me, i dont mean a slap/smack i mean a PUNCH like clinched fists and face meeting.

womp womp womp!

Pessimist! negative Ned! Debbie downer! Do these names conjure up an image in your mind? In order to answer the question, you must determine where do you lie on the issue. Are you an optimists or a pessimist? If your the first then these kind of people really annoy you. You do not enjoy being around them and you feel like they bring you down. If you are a pessimist your are a fervent believer in "being real" and you dislike optimists and think they are day dreamers or fools.

As classic candidate for pessimists of America i can say that coming to grips with negative thinking is a process. First its confidence, hey i know what bad things lie in this world, i can predict negative outcomes, i am so smart! second its self- fulfilling, see i knew it i mean i thought it would happen and it did. Third it is victimization, i don't have control over these negative outcomes, why me? and finally if you get to the final stage is realization, damn this kind of thinking isn't helping me out! No one who is an optimist ever says, "all these happy thoughts and positive outlooks on life is really causing me damage and stress!"

So the lesson to be learned is that it's better to be an optimist than a pessimist. and changing your thinking is very easy and very hard at the same time. It did not take you a day to become negative and it won't take a day for you to change but in the wise words of Bobby Mcferrin, "Don't worry be happy".

How to know If your straight?

Hey you Fella! Do you have a problem admitting your heterosexuality. Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed well don't worry. Just take this test to find out if your really heterosexual and all that stress can be dealt with in therapy. Answer each question yes or no. If you have 8 points or higher CONGRATULATIONS you are a heterosexual. Now you know and you don't have to worry for the rest of your life. Lets begin.

1. Do you find yourself sexually aroused by the opposite sex?
2. Have you or are you planning on having sex in the missionary position?
3. Have you ever stared at a woman's breast/butt or both?
4. Would you describe Lady Gaga as weird?
5.  Do you not find gay men as potential lovers?
6. Do hate disco/techno music?
7. Are your parent's homosexuals?
8. Have you rarely had impulses to touch a guy's junk?
9. Would you rather have sex with a girl than discuss her philosophical outlook on cat food?
10. Would you say you like donuts over Bananas?

Now that you figured out your a straightie, you can come to terms with your heterosexuality. It's ok we all love you if though your a hetero!

I am woman, hear me roar!

I have always had the image of feminist as crazy, hairy, nut jobs but my views have completely changed. Yes there are very liberal feminist in this world but you don't have to be a raging liberal to be a feminist. I like to call myself a womanist! I vow from this day on to be proud of who i am and to honor the prestige of being a women. All women of all ages, races, nationalities, and sexual orientation have endured pain, heartache, and trauma but they triumph with grace, pose, and effortless strength!

Addicted to love?

I was watching an episode of the Real World titled Addicted to love and it got me thinking... What does that mean? Aren't all human beings wanting and needing love, so are we all addicts? or maybe recreational users?

Speaking for myself I have always been addicted to love...hmm lets say I was/am in love with love. Maybe that is what us love addicts are, we get our high from the idea of love and sometimes not from the person themselves. Addiction no matter what the substance that is abused is never healthy though. Love addicts beware if you do not get in addiction in check then heartache, failed relationships, and unsatisfaction await!

Love is wonderful, painful, crazy, and amazing all at once but that is some hard drug and needs to be taken in small doses. If we chase after love endlessly we tend to get disappointed. What makes love so incredible is that it happens all on its own without our knowledge... at least initially. So do as we did the first time around, sit back, chill, and if love comes knocking let it go on autopilot and enjoy the ride.

ode to la Chappelle

If theres anything that anyone will remember about me is that i love Dave Chappelle! Its funny too because he dislikes people who idolize celebrities but i can't help myself. The main reason i love him is because he is more than a comedian. He is actually really observant of the hypocrisy and the irony of life which is why he is so funny. Not like Carlos Mencia who is a racist, loud moron. There is a difference between real art and a fraud @Mencia but to each his own.  Thank you Dave, can i call you that, for making me laugh when I was frustrated/sad/annoyed/bored. As they say laughter is the best medicine and next time your feeling blue pop in killing them softly!


I am going to make a generalization here...women love feelings! Although there might be some women going, hey I hate that stuff! Most women have been brought up to embrace their feelings. Like Dave Chappelle said, "feelings are very important to women" and he is right. You see feelings and especially good ones make us very happy.

Now that our feelings are set in motion we must determine our comfort level with a guy's feeling. We usually want a guy who is "manly" yet expresses his deepest feelings only to you off course! More like Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice and less like Justin Guarini from that awful "movie" From Justin to Kelly.

Yes it is confusing women can be as feeling driven as they want but men take note there is a fine line. You have to be debonair, a softie on the inside, and tie it all up with mystique. Women often complain that a guy is not emotional enough but i bet we are more freaked out when he is "too" emotional"....if he is then we assume a. he is a mama's boy b. he was suppressed homosexual feelings c. he is creepy and or a liar persuate of  something! or maybe we can go with e. He is normal, nothing is wrong with him, and ahh men can show emotions and its ok!
 maybe that is why some guys choose not to show any emotions. Instead of complaining about them maybe we should figure out what we truly want and be content with it.